Better pollination of pear
The aim of this project is the generation and implementation of knowledge leading to a better pollination of pear, resulting in a higher and more constant fruit set with fruits with optimal size and high quality. For this purpose we investigate the possibilities for improving the pollinator community and the attractiveness of pear nectar for pollinators. In the second part of the project we will search for optimal pollen donors for ‘Conference’ and ‘Sweet sensation’.
Tim Beliën and Stijn Raymaekers
Timing: 1/10/2016 - 30/09/2020
Financing: VLAIO LA-traject: 150907
Partnership: KU Leuven R&D divisie Fruitteeltcentrum (departement Biosystemen) (W. Keulemans, O. Honnay en B. Lievens)