Imported pollen and bees: introduction and distribution of phytopathogens/bee health
This project focuses on the potential introduction of pathogens by pollen, bees and bee products. Is has a plant health aspect (studying the risk of the use of imported pollen and bees for the introduction and distribution of phytopathogens in fruit crops) as well as an animal health (bee health) aspect (studying the risk of the use of imported pollen, bees and bee products for the introduction and distribution of pathogens of bees and other pollinators like bumblebees). The outcomes will support the formulation of recommendations for risk limitation taking into account the existing (international) recommendations.
Contact: Tim Beliën and Gertie Peusens
Timing: 1/03/2016 - 28/02/2019
Financing: FOD RT 15/5 APIRISK
Partnership: ILVO, University of Ghent