Nowadays manual monitoring (checking pheromone traps, visual inspections, collecting samples from plants/trees, etc.) are time consuming and require specialized entomological expertise in order to recognize specific (life stages of) insects. The goal of this project is to facilitate/automate/digitize our monitoring and warning system. For this we focus on 4 target pests (including D. suzukii and codling moth) and two main techniques: camera or sensor based monitoring, which are optimized for the fruit and vegetable sector

VLAIO LA-traject: HBC.2016.0795
Contact: Tim Beliën ( and Ammar Alhmedi (
Timing: 1/10/2017-30/09/2021
Financing: VLAIO en sectorfinanciering
Partnership: Praktijkpunt Landbouw (K. Bunkens, T. De Clercq); KULeuven MeBioS (B. De Ketelaere, N. Wouters, W. Saeys); Inagro vzw (T. De Marez, P. Maenhout).