The project intends to bring new biological solutions for crop protection to the market. Several target pest and pathogen species on various crops are in the scope of this project, but pcfruit’s contribution is on a work package in which the biological control of aphids of apple, pear and cherry trees by parasitoids is investigated. After inventarisation of naturally present parasitoids in orchards, an identification of parasitoids will be executed. Their efficiency for biological control and the feasibility and cost of mass production will be evaluated.
Poster: Potential role of fruit intercrops in integrated apple aphid management
7 de kaderprogramma EC (Collaborative project) KBBE.2013.1.2-05 grant agreement 612713
20 partners, Coördinator: Universiteit Wageningen (Jurgen Kohl)
Our working package: Viridaxis, Universiteit van Boekarest