The operational group ‘Plant for a customer’ prepares an upgrade of the variety screening and evaluation in the fruit sector. Growers, producer’s organizations and research institutions rethink the process of variety selection and evaluation starting from the needs of the customer. In parallel, commercial and technical selection criteria are updated and the process of selection is speeded up.  The focus is as well on the main market segment as on niche markets.

Operational Group: Plant for a customer

Operational Group: OG2017-31

Contact:  Jef Vercammen ( and Miet Boonen (

Timing: 1/12/2017-30/11/2019

Financing: EIP (European Innovation Partnership) – Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling – Vlaamse Gemeenschap

Partnership: Producentenorganisaties BelOrta cvba, BFV cvba, Green Diamond cvba, LTV cvba, New Green cvba en Coöperatie Hoogstraten cv; Vlaams Centrum voor Bewaring van Tuinbouwproducten (VCBT); Proefcentrum Hoogstraten (PCH)