This project develops alternatives in a conceptual way, based upon a small semi-autonomous electrically powered vehicle or unit. The project strongly focuses on an optimal selection, further development and  flexible integration of one or more available system platforms into autonomous, efficient and powerful tools which are widely deployable  in farms of tomorrow.

Catalyst for Innovative Mechatronics in Agricultural Technology (CIMAT)

Project: Catalyst for Innovative Mechatronics in Agricultural Technology (CIMAT)

Contact: Kris Ruysen (

Timing: 1/11/2019-30/10/2020

Financing: Interreg Vlaanderen - Nederland

Partnership: Inagro vzw, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ILVO - Instituut voor Land- en Visserijonderzoek, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, Delphy BV, Proefboerderij Rusthoeve, University College Roosevelt, Compas Agro, Vanhoucke Machine Engineering Bvba, Octinion bvba