This project aims to implement Smart Farming applications for a more durable agriculture and horticulture in the border region of Flanders and The Netherlands. Target crops are ornamental trees, asparagus and blueberry. Camera based weed recognition followed by targeted herbicide spraying encompasses the first smart farming application. Reduction of irrigation water by smart, sensor based irrigation systems that are remotely controlled are the goal of the second smart farming application to be developed in this project. In the third application the project partners want to assess the added value of remote sensing techniques for the early detection of disease and other problems in the target crops.

Interreg Vl-NL project
Timing: 01/11/2019 – 31/1/2022
Contact: Joke Vandermaesen (, Wim Verjans (, Serge Remy (; Miet Boonen (
Financing: Interreg Vl-NL, provincie Limburg België, provincie Antwerpen, provincie Limburg Nederland, VLAIO (Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen)
Partnership: Proefcentrum voor de Groenteteelt Sint-Katelijne-Waver vzw (Joris De Nies), Blue Engineering BV (Erik Nieuwlands, René Bloemers, Jeroen Rondeel), Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt vzw (Bert Schamp), Compas Agro (Dirand Van Wijk, Paul Groenewegen, Ronnie de Hoon, Hans Pijpers), Innoveins Blueberry Innovators (Erik van de Vin), Smart Digital Farming (Peter Rakers)