Experimental garden for strawberry and ligneous small fruits
The experimental garden for strawberry and ligneous small fruits aims to demonstrate
the results of the applied agricultural research on soft fruits into practice and to
execute comparative research on demand of growers. New cropping techniques
are tested and existing techniques are ameliorated if necessary. This research is done
in the framework of sustainable production and optimizing the economic return of
soft fruit companies. The results are demonstrated at regular events for growers.
Contact: Miet Boonen
Experimental Garden for Pome and Stone Fruits
The Experimental garden for pome and stonefruit (pps) is the official belgian experimental garden for apple, pear and cherries. We carry out demonstrative trials for professional fruitgrowers.
The pear research of the Experimental Garden for Pome and Stone Fruits is focused
on planting and pruning systems, rootstocks, hail protection and fertilization. The emphasis
is on the total produced volume but also on quality and size of the fruits. For
the advices on fertilization, more and more emphasis is going to legal restrictions related
to remaining levels of nutrients in soil and surface waters.
The focus of the experimental garden dealing with cherries is on pruning and training
systems, the avoidance of cracking and shelf life improvement by hydrocooling. For
the latter technique optimal dip time per variety is established. All themes are part of
a strategy to improve the quality and financial return of cherry production in Flanders.
Contact: Jef Vercammen
Environment & technology
Research in ecologically and economically beneficial spray application techniques for plant protection products.
Contact: Kris Ruysen
Study of the different fungal diseases occuring in the Belgian fruit growth and research on chemical and biological control of these diseases.
Contact: Michelle Holtappels
Research of chemical and biological control of various fruit pests. We specifically investigate the interaction between pests, beneficials and selective crop protection agents in integrated pest management.
Contact: Tim Beliën
Plant research & Management
The Plant Research & Management or Cultivation Research Department of pcfruit conducts applied scientific research on (i) cultivation techniques (fruit setting, fruit thinning, weed control, frost control, fertilisation & fertigation, growth regulation, irrigation, etc.) that determine the regularity and quality of yields in integrated fruit production (ii) as well as their physiological background, (iii) techniques to automate cultivation measures (sensors, camera-based monitoring and image analysis, data analysis, data analysis, irrigation, etc.). (ii) as well as their physiological background, (iii) techniques to automate cultivation measures (sensors, camera-based monitoring and image analysis, data analysis, modelling) and to transfer the obtained cultivation information intelligibly to the grower (decision support systems). These research items are addressed in the department's projects but also in the context of product development for the phyto-industry.
Contact: Serge Remy