SQ159/Natyra® is a new scab resistant apple variety for organic fruit growing. In the orchards, however, we notice a weak vigour, which causes that I) the production volume of the trees remains too small and II) the apples remain too small. Currently, the fertilizer companies are bringing various products on the market that would improve the vigour. In this project we want to see whether one or more of these procts can add value to the growing of SQ159/Natyra®. Unfortunately, we have to conclude that most of these products cannot improve the vigour of Natyra®.
Contact: J. Vercammen and A. Gomand
Email: jef.vercammen@pcfruit.be and ann
Timing: 16/02/18 – 31/12/19
Partnership: Vakgroep Biologische Fruitteelt.
Financing: Vlaamse Overheid (CCBT, Coördinatiecomité Biologische Teelt)