With this project we investigated the risk of the use of foreign pollen and beekeeping products for plant health as well as bee health.

With Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) on samples of imported pollen insights were developed on the potentially present plant pathogens as well as bee pathogens. In a second work package we executed specific detection tests (PCR, species specific primers) on samples of pollen to detect/confirm presence of pathogens with a potential (high) risk based on the available data. Transmission of the plant pathogens was evaluated in a few trials and of the bee pathogens by literature study.

Pathogen introduction via pollen, bees and apiculture products: plant and pollinator protection risk identification (APIRISK)


Contact: Tim Beliën (tim.belien@pcfruit.be) and Gertie Peusens (gertie.peusens@pcfruit.be)

Timing: 01/03/2016 – 28/02/2019

Partnership:  ILVO, Universiteit Gent

Financing: FOD Volksgezondheid en Veiligheid van de voedselketen en Leefmilieu