Since the eighties pear suckers (Cacopsylla pyri) are the most important pest insects commercial pear orchards. In this project we aim to improve the natural control of pear suckers, especially in early spring and late autumn, periods when their major predator (predatory bugs: Anthocoris sp.) are insufficiently present in pear orchards. We will investigate the presence and efficacy of other alternative natural enemies of pear psyllids by PCR analysis of their gut content, and generate insights in the parameters influencing their presence and impact. Doing so, we hope to reveal how the role of velvet mites, earwigs, and spiders … in natural suppression of Psylla populations in pear orchards can be increased.

01/09/2012 – 31/08/2016
IWT project: 110778
UGent (Prof. Patrick De Clercq), Universiteit Antwerpen (Prof. Herwig Leirs)