Innovative biological aphid control in the protected cultivation of sweet pepper and berries (BIOTRACT)
Aphids are one of the main threats in various outdoor and protected crops resulting in a significant economic loss. Biological control with natural enemies such as predatory insects and parasitic wasps is an important tool in controlling these pests, but is still not optimal. The general objective of this project is to significantly improve the biological control of aphids in economically important fruit and vegetable crops by applying microbial lures and repellents for the improvement of existing monitoring techniques and the development of a new, innovative control strategy.

VLAIO LA-traject: HBC.2018.2202
Contact: Tim Beliën ( [1]); Ammar Alhmedi ( [2])
Timing: 1/12/2019-30/11/2023
Financing: VLAIO en sectorfinanciering
Partnership: KU Leuven (B. Lievens) (=promotor/coördinator van het project); Proefcentrum Hoogstraten; Proefcentrum voor de Groenteteelt