Exploitation of ecological "Attract & Kill" in the fight against Drosophila suzukii
The vinegar fly Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera Drosophilidae), spotted wing drosophila, is a new invasive fruit pest that recently became established in Europe. A former project revealed that the most promising management measures were obtained in the 'Attract & Kill' section, including the discovery of the control potential of so-called "dead-end host" plants like Prunus padus (= very attractive for D. suzukii's egg laying, but no successful development of the larvae in the fruits). This project continuous on this work, with the general aim to further exploit this (ecological) 'Attract & Kill' (A&K) control potential and to fine-tune its practical application.

VLAIO LA-traject: HBC.2017.0820
Contact: Tim Beliën (tim.belien@pcfruit.be [1]) en Vincent Van Kerckvoorde (vincent.vankerckvoorde@pcfruit.be [2])
Timing: 1/1/2019-31/12/2020
Financing: VLAIO en sectorfinanciering
Partnership: KULeuven, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Dept. Biologie, Afd. dierenecologie en –systematiek (Prof. Tom Wenseleers)