Pcfruit npo covers applied scientific research, demonstration activities to fruit growers, co-development programs with various kinds of industries and services for fruit growers. All these activities are centralized at one central location with suitable infrastructure like labs, greenhouses, storage facilities, plastic tunnels, shelters, warehouses and orchards. Pcfruit is located in the heart of the fruit growing area of Belgium.
Research Groups
Pcfruit consists of a cluster of research groups related to various disciplines like phytopathology, entomology, plant physiology (pomology), technology and environmental sciences. Besides crop specialists are organized according the following subsectors: pome fruit, stone fruit, strawberry and ligneous berry fruits and viticulture. Finally, a team of advisers are supporting individual growers in their fruit farm management activities.
Added value to fruit growing
In pcfruit new and existing technologies, growing techniques and varieties are permanently evaluated and judged on their added value to fruit growing. Companies (from SME to multinational) are offered various services going from lab research to field evaluations. The individual fruit growers are assisted in the introduction of new technologies and sustainable production methods. A close relationship with individual growers and grower associations exists, which benefits transfer of research results or information.
High level of specialism and understanding of the fruit practices have over time been developed in areas as crop protection, biological control, IPM, plant nutrition, application technology, variety evaluation, precision agriculture, …
Growers and grower associations are informed about the research results at open days, study events, mailings, newsletters, warning systems, a website and a biweekly journal ‘Fruit’, reaching the majority of growers and other stakeholders from the Belgian fruit sector.